Command line arguments

GlaceJS supports follow command line arguments:

  • <paths> (optional) - Sequence of file or folder paths, where tests are located. For example, glace myTests.js or glace path/to/tests-folder. In folder it loads files with tests recursively. If file with tests is not specified directly, it loads files with prefix test and extension .js only. If argument is not specified, it looks inside folder tests in current work directory.
  • --web (optional) - Activates steps for web testing in browser via selenium. If option is specified, selenium server and browser will launched automatically on session begin and will be stopped at session end.
  • --dont-install-drivers (optional) - Don't install selenium webdrivers on session start.
  • --platform <type> (optional) - Platfrom type. Supported values are pc, android, ios. Default value is pc. For example, --platform android.
  • --browser <name> (optional) - Browser name. Default value is specific for platform: chrome for pc, chrome for android, safari for ios. For example, --browser firefox.
  • --selenium-addr <address> (optional) - Selenium or appium network address. For example, --selenium-addr If it is not specified, local selenium server with default options will be started.
  • --device <name> (optional) - Mobile device name. For example, --device "My iPhone" or --device Our_Android. Look for actual value for mobile device in its settings.
  • --os-version <version> (optional) - Mobile OS version. For example, --os-version 9.0.3 or --os-version 5.0.5.
  • --udid <UDID> (optional) - Mobile device UDID.
  • --ios-engine <engineName> (optional) - iOS driver engine name. Default value is XCUITest.
  • --retry <times> (optional) - Number of times to retry a failed test case.
  • --stdout-log (optional) - Print log to console stdout.
  • --allow-uncaught (optional) - Use mochajs processing of uncaught exceptions.