How glace loads tests

  1. By default glace tries to load tests from folder tests in the same folder where command glace was called.
  2. Tests are loaded from folder recursively from subfolders too.
  3. It's possible to explicitly specify path to tests folder, for example: glace /path/to/tests/dir, or to sequence of folders: glace /path/to/dir1 /path/to/dir2.
  4. In folder, test files should have prefix test, for example: testMainPage.js, tests.js, etc. Otherwise they will be missed.
  5. Also it's possible to specify path to test file or sequence of test files (prefix test isn't require in such case): glace /path/to/myTests.js /path/to/otherTests.js. Or to mix folders and files: glace /path/to/tests/dir /path/to/myTests.js.


conftest.js is a special file which will be loaded before tests loading and usually contains some preparation stuff.

  1. Conftest may be located in any folder inside test folder hierarchy.
  2. If conftest is located on one level with tests folder it will be loaded before tests session start and global objects initialization.
  3. It's possible to specify root conftest path via CLI option --root-conftest which will be loaded before top level conftests, but after programmatically configured preloads.